Reading Time : 1min

TJCTF 2022 Flimsy Fingered Latin Teacher

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Challenge/Competition: TJCTF 2022 - flimsy-fingered-latin-teacher

Challenge Discription: Oh no! My Latin teacher likes to touch type on her Dell laptop, but she has trouble keeping her fingers on the right keys in home row. The letters she's typing out don't really make sense. Can you help me understand what she's saying so she doesn't get upset when I come to her confused?

Challenge Text

This is the text that Latin Teacher wrote


Lets start by looking at image of home row and how you suppose to place your fingers on a keyboard when typing.

Wikpedia - User: Cy21

In above Image we can see that the Index finger of left hand is placed on “F” key and the Index finger of right hand is placed on “J” key.
we have to keep this in mind to solve this challenge.

As we know that first five characters of our flag are always “tjctf” where in the challenge text they are “ykvyg”.
so we need to check every wrong letter and its position on the keyboard relative to the correct letter.

We will soon find out that every character is written one key right to the correct key.
So we can conclude that the Teacher was typing while their finger were placed one key to the right.

now if we replace every character by its left key on the keyboard, we will be left with the flag.
